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KISS and Tell: 3 Life Lessons I Learned from Gene Simmons

Recently I had the opportunity to hear Gene Simmons, legendary KISS co-founder, speak (sadly, not rock) to an audience of successful MSP business owners. Truthfully, I was uncertain what I’d learn from someone who’s biggest hit included the words “I wanna rock and roll all nite, and party every day.” He was there to share with us his business wisdom.  Surprisingly, I walked away with some great life lessons, too.

From Modest Origins to a Business Tycoon

Personally, I knew little about his background and only associated Gene Simmons with black and white painted faces and long tongues. I was surprised to learn that at age eight, Gene had immigrated from Israel to the U.S. with his mother. While he watched, she worked in a New York sweatshop, barely covering the basic costs of living—rent and food. This lit an internal fire in him to do more.

In 1973, KISS performed their first show for only five people. Fast forward two years, their rebellious rock image had attracted a huge following. Simmons masterminded KISS’ massive merchandising success and went on himself to build a diverse career that spans restaurant chains, a financial services company, TV shows and movie appearances, as well as a best-selling business author. Pretty amazing for a “bad boy” rock star.

Work Harder Than Everyone Else

“Some of the least intelligent people I’ve met are also some of the wealthiest individuals,” Gene shared. The only difference between them and you—they work longer and harder. His case in point, “If you do nothing on [the] weekends—that’s 104 days out of the year where you’re doing nothing except spending money.”

Wow this really hit me– was I really wasting 104 days or more a year? Quite possibly! Yes, it’s important to have unstructured time and relax but as Gene emphasized that every moment spent learning and improving can directly contribute to your overall happiness and success in life. Building new skills, expanding your knowledge base, experiencing new things, and relentlessly pushing your boundaries are key to growing as a human and achieving your goals.

Choose Your Circle Wisely

“Get rid of all your loser friends,” Gene advises. “Anybody who wants to go drinking, hanging out—get rid of them. They are vampires. They will suck you dry of any energy that you should be fully devoting to yourself.” Instead, surround yourself with people who will inspire you to be better, smarter, or stretch yourself.
In my experience, his advice works! I’m fortunate to know amazing people who inspire me to be more knowledgeable, give more back, be a better parent or business leader or simply get out and appreciate our world.

Approach Life With Fresh Eyes

Pointing out that innovation and change often comes from unexpected places and people, Gene’s advisers us to approach everything like it is brand new. Being open to new perspectives and incorporating them into your life can yield remarkable results.
He shared, “KISS has done everything from KISS condoms to KISS caskets. We’ll get you coming, and we’ll get you going.”
While his novel approach made me laugh, I also wondered what more I could accomplish by expanding my horizons.

What were Gene’s keys to success and happiness in life?

Deliberate actions and a relentless drive that included continuous learning, strategic thinking, unapologetic ambition, and the willingness to work longer and harder than everyone else.

Gene stated,“Ethically, morally—our duty is to leave the world just a bit better than when we came into it.”
I couldn’t agree more. So, thank you Gene Simmons for not only rocking our world but also inspiring me to strive to be a better person and keep on rocking!

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